Loading Computer
Product description


  • The LOADMASTER® X5 is the world’s most common loading computer system
    with developed superior solutions for any type of vessel with functions aimed at
    increasing onboard efficiency and maximising safety during cargo operation.

  • The LOADMASTER® X5 has a user interface that is unparalleled in it’s user
    friendliness. It is designed to be simple enough for inexperienced users to
    operate yet it still provides a full range of powerful features for experienced users.
    With the Type Approved LOADMASTER® X5 you will be in possession of the
    most powerful and versatile cargo planning and stability application available.

  • Every LOADMASTER® X5 delivered contains at its core a base module that
    is packed with calculative tools that fulfill the mandatory stress and stability
    requirements imposed by the maritime authorities. The base module is also
    flexible enough to contain additional ship- specific mandatory tools such as
    in the case of bulk carriers where automatic checks are made against flooded
    holds as per the rules.

  • Ship's specific packages:
    - Bulk package
    - Tanker package
    - Container package
    - Ro/Ro package
    - Cruise package
    - LNG/LPG package
    - Offshore package

Product brochure             

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